Join the Fools’ End Club for a special golf event at Linda Vista Golf Club on Saturday July 25. Originally planned as our signature Flathead Lake Cruise, this year’s Smoke on the Water was changed due to COVID-19 restrictions that made the cruise impossible this year.
Fire in the Hole Golf Competition and Event:
– Every hole has a prize!
– 4-person team scramble
– Rotating live music acts
– Registration at 1:00; Golf begins at 2:00
– Cocktails & Exhibitor Review 4:00-6:00 PM
– Live Auction (Part 1) begins at 5:30 PM 6:00 Dinner,
– Dinner at 6:00 PM, followed by Live Auction (Part 2) 6:45 PM
– Event ends at 8:00 PM
– Rhino After Party at 9:00 PM
Tickets for the event are $125 for full access with premium cigars, or $95 for a non-smoking companion ticket. The ticket price includes event access, food, and drinks. This event will be held as a fundraiser, with opportunities to participate in golf challenges, games, and live and silent auctions.
Stay tuned to CigarsontheWater.com for event details and for buying tickets and merchandise!